- September 1990- July 1996: Graduated the Medical School of the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 1997 – 1999: Trained in Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Department, General Hospital of Veria, Greece
- 1999 – 2003: Trained in Nephrology, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Veria and Organ Transplant Unit, Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece
- February 2004: Granted the specialty of Nephrology
- February 2009: Granted the title of PhD of the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Thesis: Microalbuminuria & other early markers of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic renal failure.
Professional Experience:
- June 2004 – June 2005: Leicester General Hospital, UK (scholarship by the Hellenic Society of Nephrology) . Worked as Honorary Clinical and Research Fellow in Nephrology. A combination of clinical practice and research work on podocytes cultures, investigating the mechanisms of proteinuria in proteinuric disease and the effect of statins on podocytes structure and intracellular functions.
- July 2005 – August 2016: Consultant Nephrologist, Nicosia General Hospital (Ward rounds, Hemodialysis Unit, Peritoneal dialysis Clinic, Outpatient Clinics).
- May 2011: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Sponsored by the Cyprus Ministry of Health, to gain experience of how Peritoneal Dialysis is organized and delivered in the UK. This led to the set-up and organization of the Peritoneal Dialysis Unit in Nicosia General Hospital.
- September 2016 – May 2022: Practicing Nephrology in the private sector (Apollonion Private Hospital and American Medical Center). Nephrology support for Ward patients and Intensive Care Unit patients providing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies and plasmapheresis upon needs.
- June 2022 – today: Practicing Nephrology in the private sector. Medical director of Nefrontida- Nephrology Center, Nicosia (Hemodialysis Unit, Plasmapheresis Unit, Outpatient Clinics).
- March 2024 – today: Practicing Nephrology in the private sector:
- El Greco Medical Centre: Nephrology support for Ward patients and Intensive Care Unit patients, providing Nephrology consultation and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies and plasmapheresis upon needs.
- El Greco Hemodialysis Unit: providing dialysis to chronic hemodialysis patients
Scientific Activity:
- Clinical Professor of Nephrology, Medical School of the European University Cyprus (10/2023 -today)
- Scientific collaborator to the Medical School of the European University Cyprus (2018-09/2023)
- Contribution to the teaching program of the Medical School of the European University Cyprus (2018-today)
- Contribution to the teaching program Renal Nurse Program, Nurse Services, Ministry of Health (2022- today)
- Cyprus Renal Registry Representative at the European Registry of the European Renal Association (2013- 2023)
- Cyprus Representative at the European Kidney and Urine Proteomics Action (EuroKUP) FP7/2007-2013 (2009-2013)
- Contribution to Research Projects in collaboration with the Molecular Medicine Research Center of the University of Cyprus, the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics and the European Renal Association-Registry
- President of the Cyprus Renal Association 2018-2023
- Member of the Cyprus Renal Association, since 2009
- Member of the European Renal Association (ERA), since 2001
- Member of the Hellenic Society of Nephrology, since 1999
- Boenink R, Kramer A, Tuinhout RE, Savoye E, Åsberg A, Idrizi A, Kerschbaum J, Ziedina I, Ziginskiene E, Farrugia E, Garneata L, Zakharova EV, Bell S, Arnol M, Segelmark M, Ioannou K, Hommel K, Rosenberg-Ots M, Vazelov E, Helve J, Mihály S, Pálsson R, Nordio M, Gjorgjievski N, de Vries APJ, Seyahi N, Magadi WA, Resić H, Kalachyk A, Rahmel AO, Galvão AA, Naumovic R, Lundgren T, Arici M, de Meester JM, Ortiz A, Jager KJ, Stel VS. Trends in kidney transplantation rate across Europe: a study from the ERA Registry. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2023) 38: 1528–1539
- Stel VS, de Jong RW, Kramer A, Andrusev AM, Baltar JM, Barbullushi M, Bell S, Castro de la Nuez P, Cernevskis H, Couchoud C, De Meester J, Eriksen BO, Gârneaţă L, Golan E, Helve J, Hemmelder MH, Hommel K, Ioannou K, Jarraya F, Kantaria N, Kerschbaum J, Komissarov KS, Magaz Á, Mercadal L, Ots-Rosenberg M, Pálsson R, Rahmel A, Rydell H, Savino M, Seyahi N, Slon Roblero MF, Stojceva-Taneva O, van der Tol A, Vazelov ES, Ziginskiene E, Zurriaga Ó, Vanholder RC, Massy ZA, Jager KJ. Supplemented ERA-EDTA Registry data evaluated the frequency of dialysis, kidney transplantation, and comprehensive conservative management for patients with kidney failure in Europe. Kidney Int 2021 Jul;100(1):182-195. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.12.010. Epub 2021 Jan 7.
- Nicolaou O, Kousios A, Sokratous K, Potamiti L, Koniali L, Neophytou G, Papacharalampous R, Zanti M, Ioannou K, Hadjisavvas A, Stingl C, Luider TM, Kyriacou K. Alport syndrome: Proteomic analysis identifies early molecular pathway alterations in Col4a3 knock out mice. Nephrology, 25(12):937-949, 2020.
- Brück K, Jager KJ, Zoccali C, Bello AK, Minutolo R, Ioannou K, Verbeke F, Völzke H, Arnlöv J, Leonardis D, Ferraro PM, Brenner H, Caplin B, Kalra PA, Wanner C, Castelao AM, Gorriz JL, Hallan S, Rothenbacher D, Gibertoni D, De Nicola L, Heinze G, Van Biesen W, Stel VS; European CKD Burden Consortium. Different rates of progression and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease at outpatient nephrology clinics across Europe. Kidney Int. 2018 Jun;93(6):1432-1441
- Kramer A, Pippias M, Noordzij M, Stel VS, Afentakis N, Ambühl PM, Andrusev AM, Fuster EA, Arribas Monzón FE, Åsberg A, Barbullushi M, Bonthuis M, Caskey FJ, Castro de la Nuez P, Cernevskis H, des Grottes JM, Garneata L, Golan E, Hemmelder MH, Ioannou K, Jarraya F, Kolesnyk M, Komissarov K, Lassalle M, Macario F, Mahillo-Duran B, Martín de Francisco AL, Palsson R, Pechter Ü, Resic H, Rutkowski B, Santiuste de Pablos C, Seyahi N, Simic Ogrizovic S, Slon Roblero MF, Spustova V, Stojceva-Taneva O, Traynor J, Massy ZA, Jager KJ. The European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry Annual Report 2015: a summary.Clin Kidney J. 2018;11(1):108-122.
- Ioannou K. Diabetic nephropathy: is it always there? Assumptions, weaknesses and pitfalls in the diagnosis. Hormones (Athens). 2017;16(4):351-361.
- Pippias M, Kramer A, Noordzij M, Afentakis N, Alonso de la Torre R, Ambühl PM, Aparicio Madre MI, Arribas Monzón F, Åsberg A, Bonthuis M, Bouzas Caamaño E, Bubic I, Caskey FJ, Castro de la Nuez P, Cernevskis H, de Los Ángeles Garcia Bazaga M, des Grottes JM, Fernández González R, Ferrer-Alamar M, Finne P, Garneata L, Golan E, Heaf JG, Hemmelder MH, Idrizi A, Ioannou K, Jarraya F, Kantaria N, Kolesnyk M, Kramar R, Lassalle M, Lezaic VV, Lopot F, Macario F, Magaz Á, Martín de Francisco AL, Martín Escobar E, Martínez Castelao A, Metcalfe W, Moreno Alia I, Nordio M, Ots-Rosenberg M, Palsson R, Ratkovic M, Resic H, Rutkowski B, Santiuste de Pablos C, Seyahi N, Fernanda Slon Roblero M, Spustova V, Stas KJF, Stendahl ME, Stojceva-Taneva O, Vazelov E, Ziginskiene E, Massy Z, Jager KJ, Stel VS. The European Renal Association – European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry Annual Report 2014: a summary.Clin Kidney J. 2017;10(2):154-169.
- Kramer A, Pippias M, Stel VS, Bonthuis M, Abad Diez JM, Afentakis N, Alonso de la Torre R, Ambuhl P, Bikbov B, Bouzas Caamaño E, Bubic I, Buturovic-Ponikvar J, Caskey FJ, Castro de la Nuez P, Cernevskis H, Collart F, Comas Farnés J, Garcia Bazaga Mde L, De Meester J, Ferrer Alamar M, Finne P, Garneata L, Golan E, G Heaf J, Hemmelder M, Ioannou K, Kantaria N, Kolesnyk M, Kramar R, Lassalle M, Lezaic V, Lopot F, Macário F, Magaz A, Martín-Escobar E, Metcalfe W, Ots-Rosenberg M, Palsson R, Piñera Celestino C, Resić H, Rutkowski B, Santiuste de Pablos C, Spustová V, Stendahl M, Strakosha A, Süleymanlar G, Torres Guinea M, Varberg Reisæter A, Vazelov E, Ziginskiene E, Massy ZA, Wanner C, Jager KJ, Noordzij M. Renal replacement therapy in Europe: a summary of the 2013 ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report with a focus on diabetes mellitus. Clin Kidney J. 2016 Jun;9(3):457-69.
- Ioannou K, Stel VS, Dounousi E, Jager KJ, Papagianni A, Pappas K, Siamopoulos KC, Zoccali C, Tsakiris D. Inflammation, Endothelial Dysfunction and Increased Left Ventricular Mass in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients: A Longitudinal Study. PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0138461
- Savvas Psarelis S, Corsava S, Polycarpou K, Ioannou K, Zouvani I, Nikiphorou E. New Onset Nephropathy in a Patient with Psoriatic Skin and Joint Disease. Clin Med Rev Case Rep 2015, 2:053
- Papazachariou L, Demosthenous P, Pieri M, Papagregoriou G, Savva I, Stavrou C, Zavros M, Athanasiou Y, Ioannou K, Patsias C, Panagides A, Potamitis C, Demetriou K, Prikis M, Hadjigavriel M, Kkolou M, Loukaidou P, Pastelli A, Michael A, Lazarou A, Arsali M, Damianou L, Goutziamani I, Soloukides A, Yioukas L, Elia A, Zouvani I, Polycarpou P, Pierides A, Voskarides K, Deltas C. Frequency of COL4A3/COL4A4 mutations amongst families segregating glomerular microscopic hematuria and evidence for activation of the unfolded protein response. Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis is a frequent development during ageing. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e115015.
- Kourouklaris A, Ioannou K, Athanasiou I, Panagidou A, Demetriou K, Zavros M.
- Postpartum thrombotic microangiopathy revealed as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome successfully treated with eculizumab: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014;8:307.
- Stel VS, Ioannou K, Brück K, Dounousi E, Pappas K, Siamopoulos KC, Zoccali C, Jager KJ, Tsakiris D. Longitutinal association of body mass index and waist circumference with left ventricular mass in hypertensive predialysis chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 (In press)
- Dounousi E, Koliousi E, Papagianni A, Ioannou K, Zikou X, Katopodis K, Kelesidis A, Tsakiris D, Siamopoulos KC. Mononuclear leukocyte apoptosis and inflammatory markers in patients with chronic kidney disease. Am J Nephrol. 2012;36(6):531-6.
- Tsouchnikas I, Dounousi E, Papakonstantinou S, Ioannou K, Kelesidis A, Kotzadamis N, Xanthopoulou K, Tsakiris D. Beneficial effect of atorvastatin on erythropoietin responsiveness in maintenance haemodialysis patients. Nephrology (Carlton). 2009;14(6):560-4.
- Pierides A, Voskarides K, Athanasiou Y, Ioannou K, Damianou L, Arsali M, Zavros M, Pierides M, Vargemezis V, Patsias C, Zouvani I, Elia A, Kyriacou K, Deltas C. Clinico-pathological correlations in 127 patients in 11 large pedigrees, segregating one of three heterozygous mutations in the COL4A3/ COL4A4 genes associated with familial haematuria and significant late progression to proteinuria and chronic kidney disease from focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009;24(9):2721-9
- Zouvani I, Aristodemou S, Hadjisavvas A, Michael T, Vassiliou M, Patsias C, Pierides A, Ioannou K, Kyriacou K. Incidence of thin basement membrane nephropathy in 990 consecutive renal biopsies examined with electron microscopy. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2008;32(6):221-6
- Voskarides K, Damianou L, Neocleous V, Zouvani I, Christodoulidou S, Hadjiconstantinou V, Ioannou K, Athanasiou Y, Patsias C, Alexopoulos E, Pierides A, Kyriacou K, Deltas C. COL4A3/COL4A4 mutations producing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and renal failure in thin basement membrane nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007; 18(11):3004-16.
- Eyre J, Ioannou K, Grubb BD, Saleem M, Mathieson PW, Brunskill NJ, Christensen EI, Topham PS. Statin-sensitive endocytosis of albumin by glomerular podocytes. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007; 292(2):F674-81.
- Dounousi E, Papavasiliou E, Makedou A, Ioannou K, Katopodis KP, Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC, Tsakiris D. Oxidative stress is progressively enhanced with advancing stages of CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2006; 48(5):752-60.
- Papakonstantinou S, Dounousi E, Ioannou K, Tsouchnikas I, Kelesidis A, Kotzadamis N, Tsakiris D. A rare cause of peritonitis caused by Flavimonas oryzihabitans in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37(2):433-6.
- Vergoulas G, Eleftheriadis T, Avdelidou A, Ioannou K, Miserlis G, Solonaki F, Papagiannis A, Takoudas D. Body dysmorphic disorder due to hirsutism in a patient treated with cyclosporin. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005; 20(2):473.
- Tsakiris D, Ioannou K. An underdiagnosed type of diabetes: The MODY syndromes. Pathophysiology, clinical presentation and renal disease progression. J Nephrol 2004; 17:637-641.
- Arsali M, Panagidou A, Athanasiou G, Ioannou K, Zavros M, Pieridis ANSAID induced ischemic acute renal failure and tubulointerstitial nephritis with proteinuria. Hellenic Nephrology 2007; 19(1):58-72.
- Dounousi E, Vantsi E, Ioannou K, Kelesidis A, Kotzadamis N, Tsouchnikas I, Tsakiris D. The impact of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis on patients’ partners personality. Hellenic Nephrology 2005; 17(2):125-132.
- Kotzadamis N, Ioannou K, Dounousi E. The problem of vascular access in haemodialysis. Hellenic Nephrology 2004; 16(1):21-31.
- Dounousi E, Ioannou K, Kotzadamis N, Papakonstantinou S, Karasavidou D, Kelesidis A, Tsakiris D. Ten years experience on CAPD in a regional hospital. Hellenic Nephrology 2004; 16(1):76-83.
- Kelesidis A, Kotzadamis N, Paraskevopoulos A, Printza N, Mouskou S, Ioannou K, Tsakiris D. Hypertension and Dialysis. Hellenic Nephrology 2001; 13(Supplement):201-205.
- Ioannou K, Kotzadamis N, Kelesidis A, Paraskevopoulos A, Printza N, Mouskou S, Tsakiris D. Emphysematous Pyelonephritis. Conservative or surgical treatment? Hellenic Nephrology 2000; 12(1):93-97.