- Diploma in Medical Ultrasound Scan
- King’s College University, London Awarded 2022
- CCT in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Awarded 2018
- Advanced Training Skills Module (ATSM) in Benign Gynaecology (Open and Laparoscopic), Hysteroscopic Surgery
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Advanced Training Skills Module (ATSM) in Advanced Labour ward Practice Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Awarded 2018
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Awarded 2016
- Ptychio Iatrikes
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Awarded 2008
- Visiting Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King’s College Hospital, London, January 2022 – to date
- Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with special interest in Endometriosis and Minimal Access Surgery – Worstershire Acute NHS Trust, August 2021 – December 2021
- Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with special interest in Endometriosis and Minimal Access Surgery – Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, September 2019 – July 2021
- Senior Clinical Fellow in Endometriosis and Minimal Access Surgery – Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust, August, 2018 – August 2019
- ST7 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – St James’s University Hospital, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, August, 2017 – July, 2018
- ST6 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Bradford Royal Infirmary, August, 2016 – July, 2017
- ST5 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Airedale General Hospital, August, 2015 – July, 2016
- Specialist Trainee – ST4 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Pinderfields Hospital, August, 2014 – July, 2015
- Specialist Trainee – ST2- ST3 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Bradford Royal InfirmaryAugust, 2011 – July, 2014
- Specialist Trainee – ST1 in Obstetrics and Gynaecology – Leeds General Infirmary, August, 2010 – July, 2011
- Foundation Year 2 – Harrogate District Hospital, August, 2009 – July, 2010
- Foundation Year 1- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Accident and Emergency, Paediatrics – Princess Royal Hospital West Midlands, May, 2009 – July, 2009
- Research Fellow in Fetal Medicine – Kings College Hospital, August, 2008 – April, 2009
Working as a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the last three years , I have been providing a comprehensive general obstetrics and gynaecology service with a special interest in minimal access surgery. Through my specialist training I have worked in both Teaching and District General Hospitals. This has given me a wide exposure to both common and specialist conditions associated with women’s healthcare.
Despite my broad generalist clinical training I shave focused specialist training in the following four areas which are a unique compliment to me:
I have a high level of competency in gynaecological minimal access surgery. I gained this through a 1 year clinical research fellowship programme with Mr R. Richardson and Mr A. Raza at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and during this time I performed over 100 procedures. As a BSGE recognised Endometriosis Centre, Chelsea and Westminster stands out as a centre of excellence in gynaecological minimal access surgery. As a result of this experience, I am able to perform a variety of complex laparoscopic procedures including laparoscopic surgery for advanced stage endometriosis.
I have completed the RCOG accreditation for benign open and laparoscopic surgery and advanced hysteroscopic surgery whilst working with Mr J. Campbel and Miss TL. Jackson at St James’ University Hospital in Leeds. I bring these skills to bear across my clinical activity of Day Surgery, Main Theatre and Out-Patient Hysteroscopy.
I have completed the RCOG accreditation in Advanced Labour Ward Practice working in some of the biggest maternity units in United Kingdom such as Imperial College Hospitals in London and St James’ University Hospital in Leeds. My training in the biggest maternity hospitals in UK, have provided me the appropriate skills of general obstetrics to a high standard. I have performed numerous
normal and operative deliveries (ventouse and forceps) and complex caesarian sections (placenta praaevia, fibroid uterus, high BMI, twin pregnacies, emergency caesarian sections). I have become proficient in independently managing high-risk pregnancies (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pre- eclampsia, eclampsia, preterm labour, multiple pregnancies). I perform first and third trimester obstetric ultrasound. During the last 14 years practicing obstetrics, I have forged close links with supporting midwives, anaesthetists, physiotherapists, as well as colleagues allowing me to offer a truly complete package of care encompassing all available requirements. Most importantly, I have become firm believer in individualised care, which puts the mothers (& fathers)-to-be at the centre.
Having completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Ultrasound I perform complex early Pregnancy as well as Gynaecological Ultrasound including assessment of ovarian masses, uterine pathology such as fibroids, endometrial polyps and endometriosis.
I also gained excellent clinical experience in Gynaecological Oncology whilst working with Miss Bridges at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. I am confident in the management and multidisciplinary care of women with gynaecological malignancies. I attend weekly gynaecological oncology MDT meetings and I refer patients with advanced gynaecological malignancies to Royal Marsden.
My experience and training provide the appropriate skills of general obstetrics and gynaecology to a high standard. My particular specialist skills are used to deliver high level laparoscopic and open surgery, high risk intrapartum obstetric care and out-patient hysteroscopy. I firmly believe in the promotion of education as a foundation for service delivery to ensure the future workforce can maintain the high standards this specialty demands.
I have completed RCOG accreditation for advanced labour ward management
I am competent in the management of: complex caesarean sections, ventouse, forceps, rotational deliveries, caesarean hysterectomy, placenta praevia, massive obstetric haemorrhage, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, vaginal breech delivery, vaginal birth after caesarean section
I am proficient in the managing high dependency patients on labour ward and the provision of basic obstetric scanning.
I have a keen interest in labour ward skills education and can provide multidisciplinary training of obstetric, midwifery and anaesthetic teams.
I regularly use simulation as part of my multidisciplinary training in obstetric emergency skills. I have completed the Management of Obstetric emergencies and Trauma (MOET) course.
I perform the following gynae-endoscopy skills in my routine practice: Novasure and Thermachoice endometrial ablation, transcervical fibroid resection, laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, laparoscopic salpingo-oophrectomy, surgical management of ectopic pregnancy, manual vacuum aspiration under local anaesthetic for miscarriages, cystoscopy, ureteric stenting and bladder biopsy. I am also competent in abdominal hysterectomy; open myomectomy; pelvic floor repair.
I have gained invaluable skills in laparoscopic management of endometriosis being able to perform procedures for early and advanced stage endometriosis using HARMONIC and LASER. I have performed joined procedures with the colorectal and urology team for advanced stage endometriosis (rectovaginal excision of endometriosis, Hartmann’s procedure, ureteric re-implantation, excision of diaphragmatic endometriosis). I am also competent to perform complex total laparoscopic hysterectomy for large fibroid uterus and laparoscopic excision of large fibroids including the use of several types of morcellators.
I run out-patient hysteroscopy clinics for diagnostic and operative procedures. These include: endometrial biopsy under direct vision, polypectomy, retrieval and insertion of intra-uterine devices,
ESSURE® tubal sterilisation. I also use my clinical sessions as a training opportunity for undergraduate and post-graduate students.
Our Gynae-Ambulatory Services will soon establish out-patient hysteroscopic morcellation. I trained in MyoSure® and therefore will also be able to contribute to this aspect in any ambulatory service.
I completed my speciality training in Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery working in busy hospitals which gave me excellent exposure to high-risk obstetrics and complex early pregnancy and gynaecology scanning and operating. I completed ATSMs (Advanced Training Skills Modules) in Advanced Labour Ward Practice, Hysteroscopy and benign open and laparoscopic surgery. I worked as 3rd on call (senior registrar) from ST5. This gave me a wealth of experience both in supervising and teaching more junior trainees and in developing my own emergency obstetric and gynaecological surgical skills. I became competent in managing high risk labours and deliveries, including delivery of twins, breech delivery, and high risk Caesarean sections including placenta praevia and extreme preterm Caesarean sections. I performed laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy independently in my last two years of training, including supervising and teaching juniors this skill. In my last year of training I was fortunate to work for a laparoscopic specialist and this enabled me to consolidate and expand my skills. I gained significant experience in risk management, through co-authoring a red incident review as well as completing several obstetric risk reviews and initiating and maintaining an acute gynaecology dashboard. I completed several local guidelines and managed the registrars’ rota for 18 months. I mentored an ST1 for a year and played an active role in teaching medical students.
I have been working as a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the last four years in some of the largest maternity and endometriosis centres in UK for the last four years. I am well-equipped to deal with the complex
cases that can present to emergency gynaecology, for example ectopic pregnancy with multiple adhesions, ovarian torsion of large cysts and pelvic abscesses as well as complex obstetric emergencies. I have been performing complex laparoscopic procedures including excision of endometriosis, complex laparoscopic hysterectomies and myomectomies. I attend weekly endometriosis multi-disciplinary departmental meetings where we review images of advanced endometriosis cases, especially those where colorectal or urology input is required. I have been pro-active in training juniors basic laparoscopic skills in theatre and on simulators or laparoscopic boxes and have completed numerous workplace based assessments. I have facilitated the Advanced Laparoscopic Training Skills Course at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. I have developed a special interest in gynaecological oncology working with Mr Bridges and I run rapid access clinics for patients with suspected gynaecological malignancies.
- Ultrasound during pregnancy (growth scans, dopplers)
- High risk pregnancy (diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, placenta praevia) Multiple pregnancy
- Normal and vaginal breech delivery VBAC
- Rotational delivery using ventouse and forceps Caesarian section
- Management of massive obstetric haemorrhage Caesarian hysterectomy
- Post-natal care
Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology
- Contraception
- Preconception counselling
- Early pregnancy
- Medical and surgical treatment of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
- Management of molar pregnancy
- Gynaecological ultrasonography
- Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy (polyps, fibroids, division of uterine septum)
- Management of menorrhagia
- Infertility
- Colposcopy (diagnostic, operative)
- Open and laparoscopic surgery for benign conditions (endometriosis, fibroids, adenomyosis, ovarian cysts)
- Open and laparoscopic/robotic surgery for endometrial cancer
- Surgery for vulval cancer
- 2016 BSGE Course Grand – BSGE/OLYMPUS Laparoscopic Gynaecology Programme
I have experience in service and staff management, governance/service improvement and committee work. I have received formal leadership and management training on the Keele University course.
I am representing the gynaecology improvement group regarding the two week wait pathway and NUCA clinics. As part of this I have proposed a new system and set up one stop clinic in order to reduce the current scattered 2 ww activity and bring it into dedicated clinics. The new changes are fully taking place from February 2020. I presented an audit in the clinical governance meeting in December about the NUCA pathway and I am planning to re-audit following the implantation of the new changes.
I have organised and held three laparoscopic courses at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. This involved planning and inviting lecturers. We had excellent feedback from all the candidates and currently we are running another laparoscopic course.
In December 2018 I dealt with a complaint relating to a postoperative complication following gynaecological surgery. This involved getting statements and preparing a report which I shared with he patient. She subsequently contacted the patient and advice and Liasion service to t hank us for the care she received.
I mentored an ST1 for a year from Oct 2017-Oct 2018 and helped him navigate his way through the e- portfolio and the paperwork needed for a successful ARCP, as well as cope with challenging personal circumstances.
I have been an associate tutor during the period December 2016 until August 2017, working closely with the college tutor, the Director of Education and other trainees’ representatives ensuring the training placements were of the highest quality. As part of this role, I worked with another group towards the establishment of doctors’ mesh for social meetings.
I have been involved in the development of a “Cadaveric Gynaecological Laparoscopy Course” at St James’s University Hospital with a view to improve the gynaecological laparoscopic training. The implementation of this project involved stakeholders from the University of Leeds anatomy department, Cadaveric Simulation Project and gynaecology department. I have been part of the faculty of the first course, which was successfully held last year at the University of Leeds. ·
As a senior trainee, I was the rota manager for the junior and senior registrar rota for 3 years between August 2015 and August 2018, enrolling fifty trainees across two hospitals.. This role had many aspects. I liaised with management to determine clinical activity and sessions requiring cover and allocated registrars to sessions based on a team system and training needs. I dealt with day-to-day issues such as sick leave. I organised locums to cover rota gaps. I gained experience in dealing with multiple different personalities and resolving conflict. In conjunction with the college tutor I redesigned the senior registrar rota during a time of extreme staff shortage and used innovative ways to ensure cover for acute services was maintained.
Being elected as the president of the medical students association was, I believe, a direct result of my interest, enthusiasm and strength in this kind of role. The job involved me organising several meetings, which meant organisation and leadership skills, along with good communication were imperative.
I have been involved as a lead investigator of a Route cause analysis investigating the case of massive postpartum haemorrhage return to theatre admission to ICU. This involved preparing a timeline collecting statements and producing written report. . As part of this, I designed new charts, organised teaching sessions for junior doctors and midwives and implemented a new pathway for the care of postnatal patients. Following the recommendations, of the RXCA and the implementation of the new pathways an audit was undertaken, which demonstrated the positive impact the changes, brought into practice and subsequently improved the quality of care in our organisation.
I have updated local guidelines and patient information leaflets
- Tissue Retrieval System for the excision of Submucosal fibroids, Polyps, Retained Products of Conception 2018
- Caesarean Section category 2&3 Decision to Delivery intervals 2017 Medical Handover in Gynaecology 2017
- Neonatal Steroid Admission Audit 2016
- Shoulder Dystocia Audit, Pinderfields Hospital 2014 Consent Audit BRI 27/05/2013
- Caesarean section Audit Nice guidelines: BRI 14/06/2012 Breech delivery Audit: LTHT 2012
- Audit on Antenatal Venous Thromboprophylaxis Assessment: LTHT 2011 LTHT Thromboprophylaxis Audit: LTHT October 2010
- Neonatal Jaundice: Harrogate District Hospital 13/05/2010
- Caesarean Section Audit “Decision to Delivery time”: September – December 2009, Harrogate District Hospital Prescription Chart Documentation Audit: May 2009- June 2009, Princess Royal Hospital
- The evolving role of one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) for the intra-operative detection of lymph node metastases: a diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis. A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, J. Yap, S. Attard-Montalto, J. Twigg, A. Elattar, K. Singh, J. Balega, S. Kehoe. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. December 2020.
- Challenges and management options of tubo-ovarian cancer in the midst of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. A. Tranoulis, D. Georgiou. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. June 2020.
- A meta-analysis evaluating the intra-operative use of collagen-fibrin sealants during inguino-femoral lymphadenectomy: a new direction in reducing post-operative morbidity or another disappointment? A. Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, A. Sayasneh, A. Papadopoulos, O. Devaja, S. Attard-Montalto. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. June 2020.
- Adolescents and young women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea: is it time to move beyond the hormonal profile? A. Tranoulis, A. Soldatou, D. Georgiou, D. Mavrogianni, D. Loutradis, L. Michala. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. March 2020
- Use of elecrochemotherapy in women with vulvar cancer to improve quality-of-life in the palliative setting: A Meta-analysis. A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, C. Founta, G. Mehra, A. Sayasneh, R. Nath. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. January 2020.
- Laser treatment for the management of genitourinary syndrome of menopause after breast cancer. Hope or hype? Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Michala L. International Urogynecology Journal. August 2019.
- Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: A meta-analysis evaluating reproductive and obstetrical outcomes after administration of chemotherapy. Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Sayasneh A, Tidy J. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. July 2019.
- Sleep disorders and high anxiety levels in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea. A wake-up call for physicians? Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Soldatou A, Loutradis D, Michala L. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. June 2019
- Combined laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion and myomectomy versus laparoscopic myomectomy: a direct- comparison meta-analysis of short- and long-term outcomes in women with symptomatic leiomyomas. Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Alazzam M, Borley J. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. February 2019.
- Hysteroscopic tissue removal system (MyoSure) for the resection of polyps, sub-mucosal leiomyomas and retained products of conception in an out-patient setting: A single UK institution experience. Georgiou D, Tranoulis A, Jackson LT . European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology. October 2018.
- 5-Flouorouracil Is an Attractive Medical Treatment in Women With Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Meta- Analysis. Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Laios A, Theophilou G, Thangavelu A, Hutson RC. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. July 2018.
- Eating disorders amongst adolescents and young women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea: just the tip of the iceberg? A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, A. Soldatou, D. Loutradis, L. Michala. EJOG. 2022; 273:E27.
- Sarcopenia in hiding: CT-assessed sarcopenia is a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer. A.Tranoulis, A. Kwong,
- A. Lakhiani, D. Georgiou, K. Singh, J. Balega International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer. 2021; 31(Suppl 3): A228
- An old dog with new tricks? Appraising the prognostic role of endometriosis amongst women with clear cell ovarian carcinoma. D. Georgiou, A. Kwong, A. Lakhiani, A.Tranoulis. International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer. 2021; 31(Suppl 3):A231.
- One-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA): a big ”step” towards a more accurate intra-operative assessment of sentinel lymph node status for early-stage endometrial and cervical cancer? A.Tranoulis, D.Georgiou, S.Attard- Montalto, J.Yap, J.Twigg, J.Balega, K.Singh, S.Kehoe International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. 2020; 30(Suppl 4):A26
- The efficacy of fibrin sealants in reducing the post-operative morbidity after inguino-femoral lymphadenectomy in melanoma and vulval cancer: back to the drawing board? A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, B.Gupta, O.Devaja, S. Attard-Montalto. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. 2020; 30(Suppl 4):A104.
- Medical treatment of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN): evaluating the efficacy and safety of 5- flouorouracil (5-FU). A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, Christina Founta, Ahmad Sayasneh, Rahul Nath. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 29 (supp 4)
- Minimally invasive palliative treatment of vulval cancer: is there a role for electrochemotherapy? A.Tranoulis,
- D.Georgiou, G.Mehra, S.Rajkumar, C.Founta, A.Sayasneh, R.Nath. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 29 (supp 4)
- Reproductive, obstetric and perinatal outcomes in women treated with chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, L. Michala, JA Tidy. BJOG. July 2019
- Sleep disorders amongst women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea: a prospective case-control study.
- A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, A. Soldatou, D. Loutradis, L. Michala. BJOG. July 2019.
- Obstetric outcomes amongst women treated with chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, A. Laios, J. Tidy. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. October 2018; 28(3):262
- Hysteroscopic tissue removal system (MyoSure) for the resection of polyps, submucosal leiomyomas and retained products of conception in an outpatient setting: a feasibility study. A. Tranoulis, T.Jackson, D.
- Georgiou. ESGE 28TH Annual Congress, 6th-9th October 2019, Thessaloniki, GR.
- Does the uterine artery occlusion during laparoscopic myomectomy improve the short- and long-term outcomes amongst women with symptomatic leiomyomas? Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Borley J. BSGE Annual Scientific Conference. May 23-25 2019, Newport, UK.
- Hysteroscopic tissue removal system (MyoSure) for the resection of polyps, submucosal leiomyomas and retained products of conception in an outpatient setting: a feasibility study. D. Georgiou , A. Tranoulis,, T.Jackson, ESGE 28TH Annual Congress, 6th-9th October 2019, Thessaloniki, GR
Does the uterine artery occlusion during laparoscopic myomectomy improve the short- and long-term outcomes amongst women with symptomatic leiomyomas? D. Georgiou, Tranoulis A, Borley J. BSGE Annual Scientific Conference. May 23-25 2019, Newport, UK.
- 5. Tissue removal System (MyoSure) for the resection of polyps, sub-mucosal leiomyomas and retained products of conception in an out-patient setting. Georgiou D, Tranoulis A, Jackson TL. BSGE Annual Scientific Conference. May 09-11 2018, Edinburgh, UK.
- Sarcopenia in hiding: CT-assessed sarcopenia is a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer. A.Tranoulis, A. Kwong, A. Lakhiani, D. Georgiou, K. Singh, J. Balega. ESGO 2021, Prague
- An old dog with new tricks? Appraising the prognostic role of endometriosis amongst women with clear cell ovarian carcinoma. D. Georgiou, A. Kwong, A. Lakhiani, A.Tranoulis. ESGO 2021, Prague
- One-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA): a big ”step” towards a more accurate intra-operative assessment of sentinel lymph node status for early-stage endometrial and cervical cancer? A.Tranoulis, D.Georgiou, S.Attard-Montalto, J.Yap, J.Twigg, J.Balega, K.Singh, S.Kehoe ESGO State of the Art, Copenhagen 2020
- The efficacy of fibrin sealants in reducing the post-operative morbidity after inguino-femoral lymphadenectomy in melanoma and vulval cancer: back to the drawing board? A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, B.Gupta, O.Devaja, S. Attard-Montalto. ESGO State of the Art, Copenhagen 2020
- Medical treatment of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN): evaluating the efficacy and safety of 5- flouorouracil (5-FU). A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, C. Founta, A. Sayasneh, R. Nath. ESGO 22nd International Meeting, November 02-05, 2019, Athens, Greece.
- Minimally invasive palliative treatment of vulval cancer: is there a role for electrochemotherapy? A. Tranoulis, D.Georgiou, G.Mehra, S.Rajkumar, C.Founta, A.Sayasneh, R.Nath. ESGO 22nd International Meeting, November 02-05, 2019, Athens, Greece.
- Reproductive, obstetric and perinatal outcomes in women treated with chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A. Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, L. Michala, JA Tidy. RCOG World Congress. July 2019
- Sleep disorders among women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea: a prospective case-control study.
A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, L. Michala. RCOG World Congress 2019, London, UK
- Reproductive, obstetric, and perinatal outcomes in women treated with chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A.Tranoulis, D. Georgiou, J. Tidy. RCOG World Congress 2019, London, UK
- Obstetric outcomes amongst women treated with chemotherapy for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.
Tranoulis A, Georgiou D, Tidy JA. ESGO 21st International Meeting, October 04-06, 2018, Lyon, France.
- Therapeutic effect and safety of 5% Imiquimod amongst women with Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VaIN). A.Tranoulis, D.Georgiou, A.Laios, S.Munot, A.Thangavelu, G.Theophilou. BSCCP, Annual Scientific Meeting, 30th April – 2nd May, 2018, Manchester, UK
- Lessons learnt: A case of multidrug resistant sepsis. D. Georgiou, RCOG World Congress 2017
- An Unusual Case of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease. D. Georgiou. RCOG World Congress, 2015, BJOG Volume 122, Issue Supplement S4.
- A Review on laparoscopic ovarian diathermy (LOD) in women with PCOS. D. Georgiou, TL. Jackson,
ESGE September 2011
- British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (April 2022)
- Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) Advances Course (December 2019)
- European Society of Gynecological Oncology (ESGO) Congress (November 2019)
- European Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE) (November 2019)
- British Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (BSGE) ASM (May 2019)
- British Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (BSGE) ASM (May 2018)
- Advanced Laparoscopic Skills Cadaveric Course (April 2018)
- Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) Advances Course (December 2018)
- Advanced Laparoscopic Suturing Skills Course (July 2018)
- Advanced labour Ward Practice (January 2017)
- MOET course (September 2016)
- Olympus Laparoscopic Surgery Immersion Training Course (2017-2018)
- Teaching the Teachers Course (June 2018)
- Facilitator at Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Bradford Teaching Hospital (May 2018)
- Benign Abdominal Surgery and One Day Hands-On Practical Course on Laparoscopic Suturing (SUTT) (March 2018)
- Psychomotor Skills (LASTT) and Energy Course at Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (February 2018)
- CTG Masterclass (October 2017)
- Yorkshire Maternal Emergency Training (September 2017)
- Gynaecological Oncology Course (June 2017)
- Forensic Gynaecology Course (May 2017)
- Fetal Anomalies course (March 2017)
- Medical Disorders in Pregnancy (February 2017)
- Basic ultrasound scan course (December 2016)
- Basic Practical Skills in O&G (November 2013)
- Family planning, course of five (October 2013)
- Obstetric resuscitation training (October 2013)
- Obstetric HDU course (September 2013)
- Advanced Life Support In Obstetrics (July 2012)
- Perineal Trauma (June 2012)
- Paediatric Advanced Life Support (May 2011)
- Advanced Life Support (May 2010)
- Conflict Resolution Training (February 2010)
Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
I have experience at teaching at postgraduate and undergraduate level. I have attended the RCOG ‘Training the Trainers’ course.
Postgraduate teaching
I am confident at teaching practical skills at every level, from SHOs starting to learn instrumental delivery or
laparoscopic entry, to supervising registrars to perform intermediate Caesarean sections and ectopic pregnancy surgery, as evidenced by the numerous OSATs I have completed for them. I actively contribute to teaching of
the Clinical Nurse Specialists in Elizabeth Suite, including scanning training and training in consent for medical and surgical management of miscarriage. I have provided formal teaching as detailed below:
- Pelvic Anatomy Higher Specialist Training Regional Training Day (March 2019)
- Basic and intermediate laparoscopic skills Chelsea and Westminster Gynaecological Laparoscopic course ( November 2018- January 2020)
- Pelvic anatomy and intermediate laparoscopic skills, Leeds University (June 2018)
- Laparoscopic suturing St James’ University Hospital, Leeds (2017, 2018)
Facilitator at Basic Practical Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Course (April 2018)
Undergraduate teaching
I have supervised undergraduate medical students on a day-to-day basis throughout my training and now as a locum consultant. I involve students in clinical activity, encourage them to speak to patients and complete assessments for them. I have given several lectures to medical students, the most recent being ‘Endometriosis’ in December 2018 at King’s College.
- Greek: Native speaker
- English: Excellent
- University of Cambridge Proficiency Certificate in English
- Set at highest level (C2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Set at level (B2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- German: Basic
- Set at level B2 of the common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- French: Basic
- Certificat de Langue Française, Institut Français d’Athènes
- Set at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Internet navigation
- Excellent knowledge of Statistical Packages: SPSS, MedCalc, RevMan, STATA
- Advanced Biostatistical courses at University of Athens.